Andrea Abeje-Stine
Ph.D. Candidate, Teaching Assistant, Graduate Researcher at UC Riverside (she/her)
Santana Afton
Performance Analyst, Goodwill Industries Int'l (they/it)
Sanskar Agrawal
MS student at IISER Tirupati
Shishir Agrawal
Postdoc, UC San Diego
Michael Allen
PhD Student, Oregon State University (he/they)
Robert Allen
Professor, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse (he/him/his)
Portia Anderson
PhD student at Cornell University (she or they)
Leni Aniva
CS PhD student at Stanford University (she/her)
Marco Antei
Professor, University Costa Rica
Joseph Antonides
Assistant Professor, Colorado State University (he/him)
Alessandro Arsie
Professor and Graduate Program Director, University of Toledo (he/him/his)
Abraham Aruguete
MS Student, Northern Arizona University (they/them)
Charlotte Aten
Postdoc, CU Boulder (she/her)
Max Avener
Teaching Instructor, Temple University (they/them)
Kimberly Ayers
Assistant Professor Cal State San Marcos (She/her)
Spencer Bagley
Associate professor, Westminster College (UT) (He/him/his)
Robin Baidya
Lecturer, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville (he/him)
Francesca Balestrieri
Assistant Professor, The American University of Paris (She/her)
Aishwarya Balwani
PhD Candidate, Georgia Institute of Technology (She/Her/Hers)
Peleg Bar Lev
Graduate Student & Teaching Assistant, Tel Aviv University (They/Them)
Rowan Barker-Clarke
Postdoctoral researcher, Translational hematology and oncology, Cleveland clinic (He/him)
Emily Barranca
Assistant Professor at St. Mary's College of Maryland (she/her/hers)
Anya C Bartelmann
Open Scholarship Specialist, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (she/they)
Sylvia Bayard
trans PhD student at UC Santa Cruz (she/her)
Brian Becsi
Washington State University (Any)
Rebecca Bekker
PhD Candidate, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute and the University of South Florida (She or they)
Călin Belean
PhD student and adjunct professor (They/them)
Andrew Bernoff
Professor of Mathematics, Harvey Mudd College (he/him/his)
GianMario Besana
Associate PRovost for Global Engagement and Online Learning - Vincent de Paul Professor of Computing (he/him/his)
Alex Betts
Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University
Kirsti Biggs
Postdoc, Uppsala University (she / her)
Kairi Black
Duke University, Graduate Student (she/they/xe)
Julie Blackwood
Associate Professor, Williams College
Yossi Bokor Bleile
PostDoc, Aalborg University (He/they)
Anthony Bonato
Professor, Department of Mathematics, Ryerson University (he/him/his)
Rosemarie Bongers
Assistant Teaching Professor, University of California Merced (she/they)
Becca Bonham-Carter
Graduate Student in Mathematics, UBC
Ashley Bonner
PhD Student, Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Florida (She)
Olivia Borghi
PhD student (she/her/hers)
Debbie Borkovitz
Clinical Professor of Mathematics and Mathematics Education, Boston University (She/Her)
Holly Bossart
PhD Student at Carnegie Mellon University Department of Statistics and Data Science (She/her/hers)
Corryn Bottenfield
MS Student at UC Riverside (fae/faer, ey/em)
Shelly Bouchat
Associate Professor at Berea College (She/her, they/them)
Ash Boucher
PhD Student, University of Delaware (They/She)
Eric Boulter
PhD student, University of Waterloo Pure Math (they/them)
Tom Braden
Professor, University of Massachusetts Amherst (He/Him)
Felix Bradley
PhD Student, Royal Holloway, University of London (Any/All)
Mark Branson
Associate Professor, Stevenson University (Any pronouns used respectfully)
Harrison Bray
Term Assistant Professor at George Mason University (He/him/his)
Hazel Brenner
PhD Student, Cornell University (she/her/hers)
Tabes Bridges
Lecturer, UIC (he/him/his)
Juliette Bruce
NSF Postdoc, UC Berkeley (She/Her/Hers)
Ben Bruce
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of British Columbia (he/him)
Ron Buckmire
Professor of Mathematics and Associate Dean for Curricular Affairs (he/him/his)
Alex Burgin
PhD Student, Georgia Institute of Technology (He/him/his)
Gauge Burnett
Graduate Student (he/him)
Adrien Busnot Laurent
Associate Professor (CR) at INRIA Rennes (He/him/his)
Jane Butterfield
Associate Teaching Professor (she/her)
Dominique Cambay
BSc. (Hons) Applied Mathematics - Financial Aid Assistant, Scholarships & Awards and Financial Aid at Kwantlen Polytechnic University (She/Her/They/Them)
Leasly Campa
PhD student at UAM Mexico (She/Her/They/Them)
Catherine Cannizzo
NSF MPS-Ascend Postdoctoral Fellow at University of California-Berkeley (she/her)
Marco Carfagnini
University of California San Diego (they-them, he-him)
Carlos Carlos Montes
MS Student at The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (He/Him)
MacKenzie Carr
PhD Student, Simon Fraser University (she/her/hers)
Joao Pedro Carvalho
PhD student, University of Michigan (He/Him)
Tommie Catanach
Principal Member of Technical Staff, Sandia National Laboratories (They/She)
Renzo Cavalieri
Colorado State University, Professor (he/him/his)
Francesco Cellarosi
Associate Professor (he/him)
Guilherme Cerqueira Gonçalves
PhD Student, Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III (They/He/She)
Jillian Cervantes
Graduate student, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee (she/they)
Lori Chapman
Professor of Mathematics, Macomb Community College (They/them)
Steven Charlton
Postdoctoral fellow, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics (Bonn)
Hunter Chase
NSF Postdoc, University of Maryland, College Park (he/him)
Jean-Philippe Chassé
PhD Student, Université de Montréal (they/he)
Zara Chastain
Lead Curator, Mathematical Sciences Publishers (She/her)
Abhay Chaudhary
Math Lecturer at University of Dayton, Ohio (He/Him/His)
Ana Paula Chaves
Professor (She)
Anish Chedalavada
Johns Hopkins University (He/Him)
Anthony Chen
PhD student, University of Michigan (He/him/his)
Karina Cho
PhD candidate (they/them)
Rustum Choksi
Professor and Department Chair of Mathematics, McGill University (He)
Carsten Chong
Assistant Professor of Statistics, Columbia University (he/him/his)
Tom Clarke
Retired prof. North Carolina A & T State University (he)
Corrin Clarkson
Director of General Education Math Modeling, Indiana University (she / her )
Juniper Cocomello
PhD Candidate at Brown University (they/them)
Ian Coley
Consultant, Boston Consulting Group (San Diego) (He/Him)
Laura Colmenarejo
Assistant professor at NCSU (She/her)
Jean Coltharp
Associate Professor, Mathematics, Missouri Southern State University (she/her)
Darin Comeau
Scientist, Los Alamos National Lab (he/him/his)
Joe Compton
PhD Student, UNC-Chapel Hill (he/him)
Daniel Condon
Visiting Assistant Professor, Williams College (they/them)
Gustav Conradie
PhD student, University of Cambridge (he/him)
Christian Cooper
PhD Student University of Arizona (He They)
Matt Cordes
Assistant Professor, Heriot-Watt University (he/him)
Alex Corner
Lecturer, Sheffield Hallam University (He/Him)
Ryan Covington
Graduate Student (He/Him)
Raemeon Cowan
Mathematics PhD Student, UGA ((he/him/his))
Chris Cox
Postdoc (he/his)
Zack Cramer
Lecturer, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Waterloo (He/him)
Ryan Creedon
Postdoc, University of Washington (He/Him)
Toren D'Nelly-Warady
PhD Student, University of California San Diego (they/them)
Dev Dabke
Grad student, Princeton (he/him)
Michelle Daher
University of Glasgow (She/They)
Vianne Daniels
Undergraduate student/tutor at University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV) (she/her and they/them)
Diana Davis
Swarthmore College, Visiting Assistant Professor (she/her)
Jupiter Davis
Master's Student, San Francisco State University (xe/xir/xirs)
Diane Davis
Professor, Metropolitan State University of Denver (she/her)
Addison Day
PhD Student (He/They)
Tori Day
Visiting Lecturer in Mahematics, Mount Holyoke College (she/her)
Adaline De Chenne
Graduate Student (She/Her)
Jamie de Jong
Instructor I, University of Manitoba (she/her)
Emily de Oliveira Santos
Undergraduate student at the University of São Paulo (she/her)
Aram Dermenjian
York University; Postdoc (he/him)
Andrew Dias
Private Tutor in Mathematics (He/His)
Jill Dietz
Professor of Mathematics, St. Olaf College (she/her)
Caleb Dilsavor
PhD Student, Ohio State University (he/him/his)
Elena Dimitriadis Bermejo
Teaching Associate (INSA Toulouse) (she/her)
Hope Doherty
Math Undergrad, Georgia Gwinnett College (She/They)
Vladimir Dotsenko
Professor, University of Strasbourg, France
Natalie Downey
Graduate student at University of Illinois Urbana-Chapaign (She/Her/They/Them)
Devin Driggs
PhD student, Rice University (He/him)
Jennifer Duncan
Postdoc at the ICMAT, Madrid (she/her)
Jill Dunham
Associate professor (She her)
Matthew Durham
Assistant Professor at UC Riverside (they/them)
Alisa Ediger
PhD student, University of Oklahoma (She/her)
Michael Eichmair
Professor of Mathematics, University of Vienna (he/him)
Jesse Elliott
Professor, California State University, Channel Islands
Brad Elliott
Lecture, University of Kentucky (He/him)
Christian Ennis
Graduate Student in Mathematics at Louisiana State University (He/Him)
Helen Epelbaum
Recent PhD graduate from UCSB, on the job market ((she/they))
Matt Evans
Assistant Professor, Washington & Jefferson College (He/him)
Barbara Fantechi
Professor (She/her)
James Farre
JProf at Universität Heidelberg
Frank Farris
Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, Santa Clara University (he/him/his)
Azul Lihuen Fatalini
Phd student, University of Münster (She/her)
Anne Fayolle
MS student at EPFL (she/they)
Giulio Fellin
PhD Student
Kamillo Ferry
PhD student (he/him)
Penelope Fiaschetti
undergraduate at Boston University (she/her)
Rebecca Field
Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, James Madison University (She, her, hers)
Alex Fink
Professor, Queen Mary University of London (he/him)
Abigail Finlay
trans woman; PhD Student at the University of Michigan (she/her/hers)
Elliott Fireheart
High School Mathematics Teacher, Eugene Oregon ((they/them))
Zach Flores
Graduate Student, Colorado State University (He/him/his )
Petra/Pierre Flurin
PhD (They/them)
Amanda Folsom
Professor, Amherst College
AJ Fong
PhD student, University of Waterloo (he/him)
Christoph Frei
Professor, University of Alberta (he/him/his)
Martina Fruttidoro
PhD Student in University of Munster (She/Her)
Christian Gaetz
Assistant Professor, UC Berkeley (he/him)
Federico (Fred) Galetto
Assistant Professor, Cleveland State University (he/him/his)
Ziyang Gao
Professor, UCLA
Bradford Garcia
PhD student at Texas A&M University (he/him/his)
Chloe George
Math MS student at University of Minnesota in Duluth (she/her/hers or they/them/theirs)
Courtney George
PhD Student, University of Kentucky (she/her)
Bryn Gerding
Research Assistant, College of Charleston (they/them)
Victor Glasgo
Lecturer at Kennesaw State University (He/Him)
Wayne Goddard
Professor, Clemson University (He/him)
Chris Goff
Professor, University of the Pacific (he/him/his)
Anagha Gokul
Undergraduate Student, BITS Pilani, Hyderabad (she/her)
Ilan Goldfeder
Associate Professor, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Iztapalapa (He/him)
Bryce Goldman
Undergraduate Student, UC Berkeley (Him/Him or They/Them)
Adrian Gonzalez Casanova
Visiting Assistant Professor
mark goresky
retired member of IAS (he/him)
Elaine Gorom
PhD Candidate (She/her)
Fern Gossow
PhD student, University of Oregon (they/them)
Advith Govindarajan
Graduate Student - Univeristy of Illinois (he/him)
Joseph Granata
Master’s student, University of Toronto (He/him)
Matheus Grasselli
Deputy Provost, McMaster University
Simon Gritschacher
Postdoc at the University of Copenhagen
Isaac Grosof
Phd Student at Carnegie Mellon University (they/them)
Chris Grossack
PhD Student (they/them)
Lino Guajardo
PhD Student at Texas State University (Any)
Sera Gunn
Lecturer, College of Staten Island (they/them)
Elena (Ellie) Gurvich
PhD Student at UMBC (she/her and they/them)
Cameron Hall
Lecturer in Mathematical and Data Modelling, University of Bristol ((he/him))
Samuel Hansen
Mathematics and Statistics Librarian, University of Michigan (They/Them)
Kevin Hare
University of Waterloo (he/him)
Stacey Harris
Professor of Mathematics & Statistics, Saint Louis University (she/her/hers)
Shelly Harvey
Professor of Mathematics, Rice University (She/her/hers)
Daniel Hast
Postdoc, Boston University (they/them)
Edison Hauptman
Ph.D. Student, Teaching Assistant, University of Pittsburgh (he/him/his)
Ethan Heleotes
Undergraduate student at Arizona State University (he/they)
Paige Helms
PhD Student, University of Washington (she/her)
Oskar Henriksson
PhD student, University of Copenhagen (he/him)
Beth Hentges
Mathematics Faculty, Century College, White Bear Lake, MN (she/her/hers)
Sebastián Herrero
Profesor Asociado, Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Sarah Heuss
Adjunct, USC-Upstate (she/her)
Mike Hill
Professor, University of Minnesota (he/him/his)
Jon Hillery
PhD Student, UCLA (he/him)
Joseph Hirsh
Unaffiliated/industry (He/him)
Max Hlavacek
Visiting Assistant Professor at Pomona College (they)
Will Hoffer
Graduate Student at University of California, Riverside (he/him/his)
Richard Hollister
Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics at SUNY Buffalo (He, Him, His)
JJ Hoo
PhD Candidate - Texas Tech University (He/Him)
Alexander Hoover
Assistant Professor, The University of Akron (he/him/his)
Brian Hopkins
Professor, Saint Peter's University (he/him)
Ruthi Hortsch
Executive Director, NY Programs at Bridge to Enter Advanced Mathematics (BEAM) (She/her/hers)
Calvin Hotchkiss
Teaching Postdoc at University of Kentucky (he/him)
Hannah Housden
Postdoc, Vanderbilt University (she/her)
Victoria Howle
Professor of Mathematics, Texas Tech University (she/her)
Victoria Howle
Associate Professor of Mathematics, Texas Tech University (She/her)
Jackson Hsu
Math Faculty, Monterey Peninsula College (he/him/his)
Serina Hu
PhD Student, MIT (she/her/hers)
Zane Huttinga
Graduate Teaching Assistant at University of Minnesota - Twin Cities (He/Him/His)
Kenan Ince
Associate Professor of Mathematics, Westminster College (Salt Lake City) (they/them/theirs)
Faye Jackson
PhD Student (She/they)
Ben Jany
PhD student at the University of Kentucky (He)
Joanna Jauchen
Instructor, George Mason University (She/They)
Reeve Johnson
PhD Student, Case Western Reserve University (he/they)
Theo Johnson-Freyd
Assistant Professor (He/Him/His or They/Them/Their)
Oli Jones
PhD Student, Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh (They/Them)
Richter Jordaan
PhD Student, Georgia Tech (he/him)
Deepak Kamlesh
Postdoc at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn
Ray Karpman
Assistant Professor, Otterbein University (they/them or she/her)
Brian (BK) Katz
Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education, CSU Long Beach (any/no preference)
Jenny Kaufmann
PhD student at Harvard University (She/her)
Leonie Kayser
PhD student, MPI MiS Leipzig, Germany (she)
Liam Keenan
Graduate Student (they/them)
Annaliese Keiser
Graduate Student Instructor - University of Michigan (she/her/hers)
Jan Kelkel
Actuary (no pronouns)
Mitch Keller
Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Morningside College (he/his)
Tyler Kelly
Professor of Pure Mathematics (they/he)
Michael Kelly
Associate Professor, Transylvania University (he/him)
Aubrey Kemp
Assistant Professor, California State University Bakersfield (She/her/hers)
Isabel Killeen
Bisexual woman; master's student at the University of Kent (She/her)
Hannah Kimbrell
PhD Student, Syracuse University (She/Her/Hers)
Inbar Klang
Assistant Professor, VU Amsterdam (she/her)
Swan Klein
PhD Student at George Mason University (she/her)
Hannah Klion
Computational Research Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Emma Knobloch
M.S. Student at the University of Iowa (she/her)
Thomas Koberda
Associate Professor, University of Virginia (he/him)
E Koenig
Graduate Student at University of Minnesota - Twin Cities (they/them)
Astra Kolomatskaia
PhD student, Stony Brook University (she/her)
Joscelyn Kooistra
Post-bacc, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor (she / her / hers)
Jay Kropf
Accelerated Masters of Statistics student at Cleveland State University (he/him/fae)
Prabhat Kumar
MSc., Teaching Assistant (He/Him)
Andrea Lachmann
PhD student at University of Wuppertal (she/her)
Max Lahn
PhD Student, University of Michigan (they/them)
Evelyn Lamb
freelance writer (she/her)
Chris Lang
Professor of Mathematics, Indiana University Southeast (He/him/his)
Jackie Lang
Oxford University (she/her/hers)
MJ Larios
Undergrad math major (they/he)
Michael Lavigne
Visiting Assistant Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology (he/him)
Davis Lazowski
Graduate Student, Columbia University (he/him/his)
Matthew Lemoine
PhD Student at Louisiana State University (he/him/his)
Jacob Lerma
PhD Student at University of Chicago (he/Him/His)
Jake Levinson
Assistant Professor, Simon Fraser University (he/him)
Paul Levy
Reader in Theoretical Computer Science, University of Birmingham (He)
Emmy Lewis
PhD Candidate, Cornell University (she/her)
Yilin Li
PhD student at Durham University, UK (He/him/his)
Tye Lidman
North Carolina State University
Emma Lien
Phd Student ((She/her))
Willie Rush Lim
PhD Candidate, Stony Brook University (he/him/his)
Douglas Lind
Professor, University of Washington (he/him/his)
Ayodeji Lindblad
PhD Student, MIT (He/him)
Marina Logares
Visiting Professor at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (She/ her)
Katharine Long
Professor of Mathematics, Texas Tech University (She/Her/Hers)
Bob Lubarsky
Senior Instructor, FAU (I, me, mine)
Jonathan Lubin
Professor of Mathematics, emeritus, Brown University (he-him)
Jeri Luckenbaugh
Math PhD Student @ UC San Diego (she/fae)
Sophie MacDonald
PhD student in Mathematics (she/her)
Mark MacLean
Professor, Seattle University (he/him, they/them)
Sarah MacQueen
Postdoc, University College Dublin (she/her)
Kyle Maddox
Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Arkansas (he/him)
Michael Maltenfort
College Adviser & Asst Prof of Instruction, Northwestern University (he/him/his)
Alex Manchester
PhD Student (they)
Fedya Manin
Associate Professor, University of Toronto (he/him)
Victor Marçon Pirozelli
PhD student (Univeristy of Montpellier) (he/they)
Christopher Marcotte
Assistant Professor in Computer Science at Durham University (They/them)
Alice Mark
Senior Lecturer, Vanderbilt University (she/her)
Ioannis Markakis
Research Assistant, University of Cambridge (they/he)
Brittney Marsters
PhD Student (she/her/hers)
Patrick Martin
Graduate Student, Johns Hopkins University (He/him)
Kirin Martin
Lecturer at Iowa State University (they/them // e/em)
Gage Martin
Benjamin Peirce Fellow (Harvard University) (she/her)
Jade Master
trans PhD Student/TA, University of California Riverside (She/Her)
Udit Mavinkurve
PhD Student (he/him)
Clover May
Postdoctoral Fellow, NTNU
Catrina May
Assistant Professor at University of North Georgia ((she/her))
Ryan Mc Gowan
Ph.D. Student at Rutgers, the State University of New Brunswick (He/him)
Taylor McAdam
Visiting Assistant Professor at Pomona College (she/her)
Conor McCoid
Postdoc at McMaster University (He/Him)
Colin McKinney
Associate Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, Wabash College (He/his/him; αὐτός -οῦ; ghaH)
Caleb McWhorter
Assistant Professor of Mathematics, St. Thomas Aquinas College (He/Him/His)
Harley Meade
PhD Student - Colorado State University (she/her)
Everett Meike
Graduate Student, North Carolina State University (They/Them)
Ehud Meir
Senior lecturer, University of Aberdeen
Kate Melhuish
Associate Professor, Texas State University (Any)
Matt Menickelly
Computational Mathematician, ANL (They/them/theirs)
Nick Meyer
University of Central Missouri (He/him/his)
Annie Meyers
Teaching Assistant, AoPS (she/her)
Marcus Michelen
Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago (He/him)
Jacob Migdail
Visiting Assistant Professor, Washington & Lee University (He/Him)
Sam Miller
Graduate Student, University of Hawai’i at Mānoa (He/Him)
Mike Miller Eismeier
Assistant Professor, University of Vermont (he/him)
Hector Miller-Bakewell
PhD student (they/them or xe/xer)
Myron Minn-Thu-Aye
Associate Professor in Residence, University of Connecticut (he/him)
Ian Montague
Postdoc at UT Austin (they/them)
Hermie Monterde
PhD student (she/her/hers)
Samantha Moore
Math Instructor, North Carolina School of Science and Math- Morganton (she/her)
Carrie Muir
Mathematics Professor and Department Chair, Whatcom Community College (she/her or they/them)
Terry Mullen
Staff Member/Lecturer at the University of Massachusetts Amherst (they/them)
Emmy Murphy
Professor (She/her)
Riley Murray
Senior Member of Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories (he/him)
Joseph Nakao
Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Swarthmore College (he/him)
Taeuk Nam
Graduate Student
Wyn Nelson
Graduate Student, North Carolina State University (She/Her)
Alex Newman
PhD student at UGA (He/him)
Peh Ng
Professor of Mathematics, and Acting Vice-chancellor for Academic Affairs & Dean (She/her/hers)
Margaret Nichols
Simons Postdoc, Fields Institute (she/her/hers)
Seppo Niemi-Colvin
Graduate Student, Duke University (He/Him or They/Them)
Zoe Nieraeth
Postdoc at the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (She/her)
Jonathan Niles-Weed
Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Data Science, NYU
Robert Nowak
Master's student, University of Oldenburg (He/Him)
Jo O'Harrow
PhD Student, UO (they/them)
TC O'Neil
Senior Lecturer in Analysis at The Open University (she/they/them)
Peter Oberly
PhD Student, Oregon State University (He/him)
Jessie Oehrlein
Assistant Professor, Fitchburg State University (she/her)
Marielle Ong
Ph.D. student, University of Pennsylvania (They/Them)
Ella Oren-Dahan
Graduate Student, Montclair State University (she/her)
Maya Ornstein
PhD Student, University of Colorado Boulder (She/They)
Omayra Ortega
Associate Professor, Assistant Dean of Research & Internships (any pronouns)
Peter Ott
Actuary (He, Him)
Nina Otter
Inria Starting Faculty, Inria-Saclay, France (her/they)
James Pagán
Undergraduate Student in Mathematics (he/him)
Davide Palitta
Assistant Professor, Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna (He/Him)
Rebekah Palmer
PhD Student, Temple University (she/they)
Jiayin Pan
Assistant Professor, University of California, Santa Cruz (he/they)
Gil Parnon
PhD Student (He/Him/His)
Stephan Patterson
Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Louisiana State University in Shreveport (he/they)
Micheal Pawliuk
Assisstant Professor, Teaching Stream (he/him)
Thomas Peebles
Instructor Arizona State University (He/Him/His)
Luke Peilen
Ph.D. Student, New York University (they/them)
Maximilien Péroux
Postdoc at the University of Pennsylvania (He/Him/His)
Laura Petto
Graduate Student, Dartmouth (she/her)
Karaline Petty
Graduate Student, University of Arizona ((she/her)
Alexandra Pichette-Emmons
PhD Student at University of Kentucky (she/her)
Emma Pickard
Graduate Student (she/her)
Evelyn Pidcock
PhD Student, UC Davis (she/her)
Marta Pieropan
Assistant Professor, Utrecht University
David Pike
Professor, Memorial University of Newfoundland (he/him/his)
Cecile Piret
Associate professor, Michigan Technological University
Maciej Piwowarczyk
Graduate Student, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (He/Him)
Ashlen Plasek
Masters Student at University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (She/Her)
Dasha Poliakova
Posdoc at SDU QM
Zoe Pope
PhD Student; SUNY at Albany (UAlbany) (She/her)
Gabriel Porrata Vallejo
Mathematics Instructor, Mission College (He/Him/His)
Morena Porzio
Columbia University (they/them)
Andrew Potter
Staff Tutor in Mathematics & Statistics, The Open University (he/him/his)
Amy Beth Prager
NCWIT, Aspirations Team (she/her/hers)
Eddie Price
Visiting Assistant Professor at Colorado College (he/they)
Stanley Pritchard
Adjunct Instructor, Durham Technical Community College
tahda queer
Undergraduate at Hunter College, City University of New York (CUNY) (ta or any gender neutral pronouns)
Emily Quesada-Herrera
Postdoc at Graz University of Technology (she/her)
Keaton Quinn
Visiting Assistant Professor, Boston College (he/him)
Rebecca R.G.
Assistant Professor, George Mason University (she/her/hers)
Sriram Raghunath
PhD student Rutgers University (He/him)
Simone Ramello
PhD Student, WWU Münster (he/him)
Tabitha Ramirez
Undergraduate student, The City College of New York (She/her)
Cole Rank
Data Scientist at GM (He)
Shane Rankin
PhD Student - UC Riverside (He/Him/His)
Nicolas Raymond
Professor, Université d'Angers, France (He/him/his)
Gregorio Raymundo
PhD student
Sarah Raynor
Professor and Chair, Wake Forest University Department of Mathematics and Statistics (she/her/hers)
Mary Lynn Reed
Professor, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Rochester Institute of Technology (she/her/hers)
Karim Rega
PhD student at University of Edinburgh (Any)
River Reger
Mathematician at Arete (She/her)
Jesse Reid
Teacher, middle school math; California (she/they)
Dee Ann Reisinger
PhD student, Bryn Mawr College (she/they)
Alex Riasanovsky
Data Scientist (she/they)
Thomas Richards
PhD Student, University of Warwick (he/they)
Evelyn Richman
Assistant Professor, University of Puget Sound (She/Her)
Emily Riehl
Professor, Johns Hopkins University (she/her)
Matt Rigby
Financial Aid Assistant (He / Him)
Luciano Rila
Senior Teaching Fellow, University College London (He/Him)
Gilbert Rivera
PhD Student, Central Michigan University (he/him/his)
Ethan Rivera
Undergraduate Student at University of Maryland, College Park (He/They)
Michael Robert
Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech (he/him/his)
Rachel Roca
Ph.D. Student at Michigan State University in Computational Math, Science, and Engineering (she/her/hers)
Jamie Rogers
PhD Student Liverpool University (He)
Ryan Rogers
Lecturer in Mathematics, University of Dayton (he/him/his)
Taylor Rogers
Graduate Student (He/They)
Herman Rohrbach
PhD student (They/them)
Erika Berenice Roldan Roa
Research Group Leader MPI MiS and ScaDS.AI Leipzig University (They/Them or She/Her)
Joseph Romano
Professor of Statistics (he/him)
Eric Roon
PhD student, Graduate Teaching Assistant at the University of Arizona (He/him)
A. Gwinn Royal
Associate Professor of Mathematics, Ivy Tech Community College (they/he/she)
Em Rushworth
PhD Student in Statistics (They/them)
Lauren Ruth
Assistant Professor, Mercy College (She/her/hers)
Lucy Rycroft-Smith
Academic, Cambridge Mathematics (She/her)
Simon Rydin Myerson
WZL assistant professor, University of Warwick (he/they)
Ryker Ryker
Adjunct Math Faculty, Foothill College (They/Them)
Nikhil Sahoo
PhD Candidate (they/them)
David Saintillan
Professor, University of California San Diego (he/him/his)
Dalton Sakthivadivel
Postdoc, CUNY GC (he/they)
Kyle Salois
PhD Student, Colorado State University (he/him)
Karuna Sangam
PhD student, Rutgers University - New Brunswick (they/them)
Sean Santos
Earth Scientist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (They/he)
Shinx Shfinx Sarah
Student (Cat/she)
Keri Sather-Wagstaff
Professor, Clemson University (She/her)
Riuji Sato
PhD student at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (He/him/his)
Mariya Savinov
PhD Student (they/them)
Jordan Sawdy
PhD Student at the University of Kentucky (He/They)
Colton Sawyer
Associate Professor of Mathematics at Regis University (He/him/his)
Ed Schaefer
Professor at Santa Clara University (he/him/his)
Kylan Schatz
Mathematics PhD Candidate at NC State University (they/them)
Todd Schmid
Assistant Professor, St Mary's College of California (he/they)
Rick Schnackenberg
Assistant Professor, Florida Gulf Coast University
Ryan Schroeder
PhD Student (he/him)
Adam Schultze
Assistant Professor, Lewis University (he/him/his)
David Schwein
Postdoc at University of Bonn (he/him/his)
Mitchell Scott
PhD Student, Emory University (he/they)
Dev Seacrest
Professor of Mathematics at University of Montana Western, Director of the Center for Experiential Education (he/him)
Alex Dalist Howl Sennewald
Graduate Student and Student Assistant (they/them)
Min Seo
Statistics/Teaching, Joint PMATH, Psychology undergrad student at University of Waterloo (they/them)
Alan Sergeev
PhD Student (he/him)
Yi Shan
PhD student, Ecole Normale Supérieure (she/her/hers)
Isabelle Shankar
Assistant Professor, Portland State University (She/her)
Eve Shaw
PhD candidate, UTK (she/her)
Kris Shaw
Associate Professor (they/them)
Alec Shute
Research fellow, University of Bristol (he/him)
Sue Sierra
Reader, School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh (she/her)
Anny Beatriz Silva de Azevedo
Master’s student, University of São Paulo (she/her)
Lily Silverstein
Assistant Professor, Mathematics and Statistics, Cal Poly Pomona (she/her or they/them)
José Simental Rodríguez
Investigador Asociado C, Instituto de Matemáticas UNAM (He/Him/His)
Theresa Simon
Junior Professor, WWU Münster, Germany (she/her)
Andrew Skelton
Associate Professor, York University (he/him)
Joseph Skelton
RTG Postdoc at Clemson University (He/Him)
Calvin Smith
Associate Professor, University of Reading (He/him)
Mia Smith
Graduate student, University of Michigan (she/her)
Tyler Smith
Graduate student, University of Florida (He/him)
Stacey Smith?
Full professor, the University of Ottawa (She/her)
Maria Soria-Carro
Graduate Student, The University of Texas at Austin (she/her/hers)
Christina Sormani
Full Professor, Lehman College and CUNYGC (any pronouns)
Gabriel Sosa Castillo
Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Colgate University (He/Him/His)
Pim Spelier
PhD student, Leiden University
S. C. Steenkamp
PhD Student, University of Cambridge (they/them)
Ada Stelzer
Graduate Student, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (she/her/hers)
Natalie Stewart
PhD Student
Jeremy Stratton-Smith
Lead Developer, Wolfram|Alpha Math Content at Wolfram Research (they/them or he/him)
Emerson Studt
PhD student, UC Davis (he/him/his or they/them/their)
Leah Sturman
PhD student Oregon State University (she/her)
Seth Sullivant
Distinguished Professor, North Carolina State University (he/him)
Vanessa Sun
PhD Student, University of Utah (she/her)
Isaac Sundberg
Postdoctoral fellow, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics (they/them)
Manil Suri
Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Maryland Baltimore County (He/him/his)
Robert Suzzi Valli
Associate Professor of Mathematics, Manhattan College (he/him/his)
Shel Swenson
Lecturer, University of Tennessee Knoxville (she/her/hers)
David Swinarski
Associate Professor, Fordham University (he/him/his)
Holden Swindell
Undergraduate, University of Wisconsin-Madison (any pronouns)
Holly Swisher
Professor, Oregon State University (she/they)
Ea E T
PhD student at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (Any gender neutral pronouns)
Luc Ta
Undergraduate Learning Assistant (he/him)
Peyam Tabrizian
Lecturer, Brown University (he/him/his)
Kaitlin Tademy
PhD student (she/her)
Niall Taggart
Postdoc, Utrecht University
David Taylor
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and General Education; Professor of Mathematics @ Roanoke College (he/him/his)
Daniel Tedeschi
PhD student at Colorado State University (he/they)
Jacob Terkel
Undergraduate Student at Gettysburg College (he/she)
Vivek Tewary
Assistant Professor, SIAS, Krea University, India (he/him/they/them)
Ritheesh Thiruppathi
M.Sc Student, Universität Regensburg, Germany (he/him)
Anthony Thomas
Assistant Teaching Professor
Becca Thomases
Associate Professor, UC Davis, Mathematics (She/her/hers)
Bianca Thompson
Assistant professor at Westminster College (she/her/hers)
Benjamin Thompson
PhD Student, Cornell University (he/him)
Dylan Thurston
Professor, Indiana University (He/him)
Maggy Tomova
Associate Dean and Professor, The University of Iowa (she/they)
Chad Topaz
Professor of Mathematics, Williams College (He/Him/His)
Henry Towsner
Associate Professor, University of Pennsylvania (he/him)
Will Tran
Graduate Student, Tulane University (he/him)
Lee Trent
PhD Student at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (she/he)
Robin Truax
Student at Stanford University (he/him)
Matt Turner
PhD Student, University of Bath (He/Him)
Kathryn Van Etten
PhD student, University of Nebraska - Lincoln (she/they)
Karoline van Gemst
PhD student at University of Sheffield (She/her)
Danika Van Niel
Postdoc at Binghamton University (she/her)
Laura van Schijndel
PhD student in mathematical biology at Wageningen University and Research (WUR) (they/them)
Sam Vance
Graduate Student of Mathematics, University of Minnesota ((he/him))
Sue VanHattum
Math Professor, Contra Costa College (she)
ila Varma
Assistant Professor at University of Toronto (she/they)
Deepanshu Vasal
Research Scientist, Northwestern University (He/him/his)
Roman Vasquez
Graduate Student at Auburn University (He/They)
Mikael Vejdemo-Johansson
Assistant Professor, CUNY College of Staten Island / CUNY Graduate Center (he/him)
Lara Vicino
PhD Student, Technical University of Denmark (DTU) (she/her)
Sarthak Vijay
MSc student at IITGN (he/him)
Andrés Vindas Meléndez
NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellow, UC Berkeley (he/they)
Pankaj Vishe
Professor, Durham University (he/him)
Marie Vitulli
Professor Emerita of Mathematics, University of Oregon (She/her)
John Voight
Professor at Dartmouth College
Matthew Voigt
Assistant Professor, Clemson University (He, Him, His)
Eleanor Waiss
Student, Butler University (she/her)
Daniel Wallick
PhD student at the Ohio State University (he/him)
Brian Walter
Professor, The Evergreen State College (he/him)
Amy Wang
PhD student at Yale University (She/her)
Michole Washington, Ph.D.
CEO/Founder of STEMulation (She/They)
Abigail Watkins
PhD student, Indiana University (she/her)
Alison Watson
Student (undergraduate) at Cal Poly SLO (She/her)
Jordan Watts
Associate Professor (He/Him/His)
Matthew Weaver
PhD Candidate, Princeton University (he/him/his)
Lilly Webster
Quantitative Reasoning Center Director, Earlham College (they/them)
Katrin Wehrheim
associate professor, UC Berkeley (they/them ... not a preference, just my pronouns ;-))
Tait Weicht
Teaching Assistant, University of California, Davis
Alexandra Weiner
Instructor, University of Pittsburgh (she/her)
Jared Weinstein
Associate Professor, Boston University (He/Him)
Rachel Weir
Professor of Mathematics, Allegheny College (She, her, hers)
Andrea Welsh
Visiting Associate Professor, Texas A&M University (She/they)
Noelle West
Graduate Student (She/Her)
Ursula Whitcher
Associate Editor, Mathematical Reviews (AMS)
Lauren White
Graduate Teaching Assistant Kansas State University (she/her)
Andre Wibisono
Assistant Professor, Yale University (He/him)
Alex Wiedemann
Visiting Assistant Professor, Davidson College (He/him/his)
Emil Wiedemann
Professor, University of Erlangen, Germany (he/him)
Sophia Wiedmann
Graduate Student at the University of Wisconsin Madison (she/hers)
Chad Wiley
Associate Professor of Mathematics, Emporia State University (He/Him)
Amanda Wilkens
Postdoc, University of Texas at Austin (She/her and they/them)
Erin Williams
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Portland State University (she/her)
Kameryn Williams
Assistant professor in mathematics, Bard College at Simon's Rock (they/them)
Savannah Williams
PhD student, Bryn Mawr College (she/they)
Alex Wilson
Graduate Student, Dartmouth (he/him/his)
Emily Windes
PhD Student (She/her/they/them)
Karl Winsor
Graduate Student, Harvard (he/him/his)
Tian An Wong
Assistant Professor, University of Michigan-Dearborn (they/them)
Luciena Xiao
postdoctoral researcher, University of Helsinki (They/them/theirs)
Dean Young
Master's student at NYU Courant (He/Him/His)
TJ Yusun
Assistant Professor Teaching Stream (he/him)
Mike Zabrocki
Professor, York University
Haowen Zhang
PhD student, Sorbonne Université & Ecole Polytechnique