Out Lists

Visibility is important! LGBTQ+ mathematicians are everywhere, and we hope this list can serve as support for mathematicians at various places on their own LGBTQ+ journeys and also as a resource for people looking to learn more about the climate at various universities.
For each mathematician, any identity words and pronouns listed were given by the respondent.

You can sign up to be on the outlist or the allylist or update your listing by filling out this form.


The following icons are used in the two lists:

  • Thumbs up for contacting means that one can feel free to contact this mathematician about the climate at their university.
  • Website is the mathematicians website.
  • Email is a contact email.


Name Title & Affiliation
Andrea Abeje-Stine Ph.D. Candidate, Teaching Assistant, Graduate Researcher at UC Riverside (she/her) Website Thumbs up for contacting
Santana Afton Performance Analyst, Goodwill Industries Int'l (they/it) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Sanskar Agrawal MS student at IISER Tirupati Email
Shishir Agrawal Postdoc, UC San Diego Website Thumbs up for contacting
Michael Allen PhD Student, Oregon State University (he/they) Thumbs up for contacting
Robert Allen Professor, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse (he/him/his) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Portia Anderson PhD student at Cornell University (she or they) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Leni Aniva CS PhD student at Stanford University (she/her) Website Thumbs up for contacting
Marco Antei Professor, University Costa Rica Email Thumbs up for contacting
Joseph Antonides Assistant Professor, Colorado State University (he/him) Email
Alessandro Arsie Professor and Graduate Program Director, University of Toledo (he/him/his) Thumbs up for contacting
Abraham Aruguete MS Student, Northern Arizona University (they/them) Thumbs up for contacting
Charlotte Aten Postdoc, CU Boulder (she/her) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Max Avener Teaching Instructor, Temple University (they/them) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Kimberly Ayers Assistant Professor Cal State San Marcos (She/her) Thumbs up for contacting
Spencer Bagley Associate professor, Westminster College (UT) (He/him/his) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Robin Baidya Lecturer, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville (he/him) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Francesca Balestrieri Assistant Professor, The American University of Paris (She/her) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Aishwarya Balwani PhD Candidate, Georgia Institute of Technology (She/Her/Hers) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Peleg Bar Lev Graduate Student & Teaching Assistant, Tel Aviv University (They/Them) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Rowan Barker-Clarke Postdoctoral researcher, Translational hematology and oncology, Cleveland clinic (He/him) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Emily Barranca Assistant Professor at St. Mary's College of Maryland (she/her/hers) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Anya C Bartelmann Open Scholarship Specialist, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (she/they) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Sylvia Bayard trans PhD student at UC Santa Cruz (she/her) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Brian Becsi Washington State University (Any)
Rebecca Bekker PhD Candidate, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute and the University of South Florida (She or they) Email
Călin Belean PhD student and adjunct professor (They/them) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Andrew Bernoff Professor of Mathematics, Harvey Mudd College (he/him/his) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
GianMario Besana Associate PRovost for Global Engagement and Online Learning - Vincent de Paul Professor of Computing (he/him/his) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Alex Betts Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University Website Thumbs up for contacting
Kirsti Biggs Postdoc, Uppsala University (she / her) Email Website
Kairi Black Duke University, Graduate Student (she/they/xe) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Julie Blackwood Associate Professor, Williams College Email Thumbs up for contacting
Yossi Bokor Bleile PostDoc, Aalborg University (He/they) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Anthony Bonato Professor, Department of Mathematics, Ryerson University (he/him/his) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Rosemarie Bongers Assistant Teaching Professor, University of California Merced (she/they) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Becca Bonham-Carter Graduate Student in Mathematics, UBC Email Thumbs up for contacting
Ashley Bonner PhD Student, Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Florida (She) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Olivia Borghi PhD student (she/her/hers) Thumbs up for contacting
Debbie Borkovitz Clinical Professor of Mathematics and Mathematics Education, Boston University (She/Her) Website Thumbs up for contacting
Holly Bossart PhD Student at Carnegie Mellon University Department of Statistics and Data Science (She/her/hers) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Corryn Bottenfield MS Student at UC Riverside (fae/faer, ey/em) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Shelly Bouchat Associate Professor at Berea College (She/her, they/them) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Ash Boucher PhD Student, University of Delaware (They/She) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Eric Boulter PhD student, University of Waterloo Pure Math (they/them) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Tom Braden Professor, University of Massachusetts Amherst (He/Him) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Felix Bradley PhD Student, Royal Holloway, University of London (Any/All) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Mark Branson Associate Professor, Stevenson University (Any pronouns used respectfully) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Harrison Bray Term Assistant Professor at George Mason University (He/him/his) Website Thumbs up for contacting
Hazel Brenner PhD Student, Cornell University (she/her/hers) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Tabes Bridges Lecturer, UIC (he/him/his) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Juliette Bruce NSF Postdoc, UC Berkeley (She/Her/Hers) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Ben Bruce Postdoctoral Fellow, University of British Columbia (he/him) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Ron Buckmire Professor of Mathematics and Associate Dean for Curricular Affairs (he/him/his) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Alex Burgin PhD Student, Georgia Institute of Technology (He/him/his) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Gauge Burnett Graduate Student (he/him) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Adrien Busnot Laurent Associate Professor (CR) at INRIA Rennes (He/him/his) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Jane Butterfield Associate Teaching Professor (she/her) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Dominique Cambay BSc. (Hons) Applied Mathematics - Financial Aid Assistant, Scholarships & Awards and Financial Aid at Kwantlen Polytechnic University (She/Her/They/Them) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Leasly Campa PhD student at UAM Mexico (She/Her/They/Them) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Catherine Cannizzo NSF MPS-Ascend Postdoctoral Fellow at University of California-Berkeley (she/her) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Marco Carfagnini University of California San Diego (they-them, he-him) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Carlos Carlos Montes MS Student at The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (He/Him) Email Thumbs up for contacting
MacKenzie Carr PhD Student, Simon Fraser University (she/her/hers) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Joao Pedro Carvalho PhD student, University of Michigan (He/Him) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Tommie Catanach Principal Member of Technical Staff, Sandia National Laboratories (They/She) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Renzo Cavalieri Colorado State University, Professor (he/him/his) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Francesco Cellarosi Associate Professor (he/him) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Guilherme Cerqueira Gonçalves PhD Student, Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III (They/He/She) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Jillian Cervantes Graduate student, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee (she/they) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Lori Chapman Professor of Mathematics, Macomb Community College (They/them) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Steven Charlton Postdoctoral fellow, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics (Bonn) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Hunter Chase NSF Postdoc, University of Maryland, College Park (he/him) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Jean-Philippe Chassé PhD Student, Université de Montréal (they/he) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Zara Chastain Lead Curator, Mathematical Sciences Publishers (She/her) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Abhay Chaudhary Math Lecturer at University of Dayton, Ohio (He/Him/His) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Ana Paula Chaves Professor (She) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Anish Chedalavada Johns Hopkins University (He/Him) Website Thumbs up for contacting
Anthony Chen PhD student, University of Michigan (He/him/his) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Karina Cho PhD candidate (they/them) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Rustum Choksi Professor and Department Chair of Mathematics, McGill University (He) Website Thumbs up for contacting
Carsten Chong Assistant Professor of Statistics, Columbia University (he/him/his) Website Thumbs up for contacting
Tom Clarke Retired prof. North Carolina A & T State University (he) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Corrin Clarkson Director of General Education Math Modeling, Indiana University (she / her ) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Juniper Cocomello PhD Candidate at Brown University (they/them) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Ian Coley Consultant, Boston Consulting Group (San Diego) (He/Him) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Laura Colmenarejo Assistant professor at NCSU (She/her)
Jean Coltharp Associate Professor, Mathematics, Missouri Southern State University (she/her) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Darin Comeau Scientist, Los Alamos National Lab (he/him/his) Thumbs up for contacting
Joe Compton PhD Student, UNC-Chapel Hill (he/him) Website Thumbs up for contacting
Daniel Condon Visiting Assistant Professor, Williams College (they/them)
Gustav Conradie PhD student, University of Cambridge (he/him) Email
Christian Cooper PhD Student University of Arizona (He They) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Matt Cordes Assistant Professor, Heriot-Watt University (he/him) Website Thumbs up for contacting
Alex Corner Lecturer, Sheffield Hallam University (He/Him) Thumbs up for contacting
Ryan Covington Graduate Student (He/Him) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Raemeon Cowan Mathematics PhD Student, UGA ((he/him/his)) Email
Chris Cox Postdoc (he/his) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Zack Cramer Lecturer, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Waterloo (He/him) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Ryan Creedon Postdoc, University of Washington (He/Him) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Toren D'Nelly-Warady PhD Student, University of California San Diego (they/them) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Dev Dabke Grad student, Princeton (he/him) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Michelle Daher University of Glasgow (She/They) Thumbs up for contacting
Vianne Daniels Undergraduate student/tutor at University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV) (she/her and they/them) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Diana Davis Swarthmore College, Visiting Assistant Professor (she/her) Thumbs up for contacting
Jupiter Davis Master's Student, San Francisco State University (xe/xir/xirs) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Diane Davis Professor, Metropolitan State University of Denver (she/her) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Addison Day PhD Student (He/They) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Tori Day Visiting Lecturer in Mahematics, Mount Holyoke College (she/her) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Adaline De Chenne Graduate Student (She/Her) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Jamie de Jong Instructor I, University of Manitoba (she/her) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Emily de Oliveira Santos Undergraduate student at the University of São Paulo (she/her) Email Website
Aram Dermenjian York University; Postdoc (he/him) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Andrew Dias Private Tutor in Mathematics (He/His) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Jill Dietz Professor of Mathematics, St. Olaf College (she/her) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Caleb Dilsavor PhD Student, Ohio State University (he/him/his) Email
Elena Dimitriadis Bermejo Teaching Associate (INSA Toulouse) (she/her) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Hope Doherty Math Undergrad, Georgia Gwinnett College (She/They) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Vladimir Dotsenko Professor, University of Strasbourg, France Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Natalie Downey Graduate student at University of Illinois Urbana-Chapaign (She/Her/They/Them) Email
Devin Driggs PhD student, Rice University (He/him) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Jennifer Duncan Postdoc at the ICMAT, Madrid (she/her) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Jill Dunham Associate professor (She her) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Matthew Durham Assistant Professor at UC Riverside (they/them) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Alisa Ediger PhD student, University of Oklahoma (She/her) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Michael Eichmair Professor of Mathematics, University of Vienna (he/him) Thumbs up for contacting
Jesse Elliott Professor, California State University, Channel Islands Email Thumbs up for contacting
Brad Elliott Lecture, University of Kentucky (He/him) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Christian Ennis Graduate Student in Mathematics at Louisiana State University (He/Him) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Helen Epelbaum Recent PhD graduate from UCSB, on the job market ((she/they)) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Matt Evans Assistant Professor, Washington & Jefferson College (He/him) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Barbara Fantechi Professor (She/her) Email
James Farre JProf at Universität Heidelberg Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Frank Farris Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, Santa Clara University (he/him/his) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Azul Lihuen Fatalini Phd student, University of Münster (She/her) Website Thumbs up for contacting
Anne Fayolle MS student at EPFL (she/they) Email
Giulio Fellin PhD Student Email Website
Kamillo Ferry PhD student (he/him) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Penelope Fiaschetti undergraduate at Boston University (she/her) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Rebecca Field Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, James Madison University (She, her, hers) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Alex Fink Professor, Queen Mary University of London (he/him) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Abigail Finlay trans woman; PhD Student at the University of Michigan (she/her/hers) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Elliott Fireheart High School Mathematics Teacher, Eugene Oregon ((they/them)) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Zach Flores Graduate Student, Colorado State University (He/him/his ) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Petra/Pierre Flurin PhD (They/them) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Amanda Folsom Professor, Amherst College
AJ Fong PhD student, University of Waterloo (he/him) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Christoph Frei Professor, University of Alberta (he/him/his) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Martina Fruttidoro PhD Student in University of Munster (She/Her) Thumbs up for contacting
Christian Gaetz Assistant Professor, UC Berkeley (he/him) Thumbs up for contacting
Federico (Fred) Galetto Assistant Professor, Cleveland State University (he/him/his) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Ziyang Gao Professor, UCLA Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Bradford Garcia PhD student at Texas A&M University (he/him/his) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Chloe George Math MS student at University of Minnesota in Duluth (she/her/hers or they/them/theirs) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Courtney George PhD Student, University of Kentucky (she/her) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Bryn Gerding Research Assistant, College of Charleston (they/them) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Victor Glasgo Lecturer at Kennesaw State University (He/Him) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Wayne Goddard Professor, Clemson University (He/him) Website Thumbs up for contacting
Chris Goff Professor, University of the Pacific (he/him/his) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Anagha Gokul Undergraduate Student, BITS Pilani, Hyderabad (she/her) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Ilan Goldfeder Associate Professor, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Iztapalapa (He/him) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Bryce Goldman Undergraduate Student, UC Berkeley (Him/Him or They/Them) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Adrian Gonzalez Casanova Visiting Assistant Professor Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
mark goresky retired member of IAS (he/him) Website Thumbs up for contacting
Elaine Gorom PhD Candidate (She/her)
Fern Gossow PhD student, University of Oregon (they/them) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Advith Govindarajan Graduate Student - Univeristy of Illinois (he/him) Thumbs up for contacting
Joseph Granata Master’s student, University of Toronto (He/him) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Matheus Grasselli Deputy Provost, McMaster University Thumbs up for contacting
Simon Gritschacher Postdoc at the University of Copenhagen Email Thumbs up for contacting
Isaac Grosof Phd Student at Carnegie Mellon University (they/them) Website Thumbs up for contacting
Chris Grossack PhD Student (they/them) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Lino Guajardo PhD Student at Texas State University (Any) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Sera Gunn Lecturer, College of Staten Island (they/them) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Elena (Ellie) Gurvich PhD Student at UMBC (she/her and they/them) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Cameron Hall Lecturer in Mathematical and Data Modelling, University of Bristol ((he/him)) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Samuel Hansen Mathematics and Statistics Librarian, University of Michigan (They/Them) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Kevin Hare University of Waterloo (he/him) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Stacey Harris Professor of Mathematics & Statistics, Saint Louis University (she/her/hers) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Shelly Harvey Professor of Mathematics, Rice University (She/her/hers) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Daniel Hast Postdoc, Boston University (they/them) Email Website
Edison Hauptman Ph.D. Student, Teaching Assistant, University of Pittsburgh (he/him/his) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Ethan Heleotes Undergraduate student at Arizona State University (he/they) Email
Paige Helms PhD Student, University of Washington (she/her) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Oskar Henriksson PhD student, University of Copenhagen (he/him) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Beth Hentges Mathematics Faculty, Century College, White Bear Lake, MN (she/her/hers) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Sebastián Herrero Profesor Asociado, Universidad de Santiago de Chile Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Sarah Heuss Adjunct, USC-Upstate (she/her) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Mike Hill Professor, University of Minnesota (he/him/his) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Jon Hillery PhD Student, UCLA (he/him) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Joseph Hirsh Unaffiliated/industry (He/him) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Max Hlavacek Visiting Assistant Professor at Pomona College (they) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Will Hoffer Graduate Student at University of California, Riverside (he/him/his) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Richard Hollister Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics at SUNY Buffalo (He, Him, His)
JJ Hoo PhD Candidate - Texas Tech University (He/Him) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Alexander Hoover Assistant Professor, The University of Akron (he/him/his) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Brian Hopkins Professor, Saint Peter's University (he/him) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Ruthi Hortsch Executive Director, NY Programs at Bridge to Enter Advanced Mathematics (BEAM) (She/her/hers) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Calvin Hotchkiss Teaching Postdoc at University of Kentucky (he/him) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Hannah Housden Postdoc, Vanderbilt University (she/her) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Victoria Howle Professor of Mathematics, Texas Tech University (she/her) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Victoria Howle Associate Professor of Mathematics, Texas Tech University (She/her) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Jackson Hsu Math Faculty, Monterey Peninsula College (he/him/his) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Serina Hu PhD Student, MIT (she/her/hers) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Zane Huttinga Graduate Teaching Assistant at University of Minnesota - Twin Cities (He/Him/His) Thumbs up for contacting
Kenan Ince Associate Professor of Mathematics, Westminster College (Salt Lake City) (they/them/theirs) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Faye Jackson PhD Student (She/they) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Ben Jany PhD student at the University of Kentucky (He) Email
Joanna Jauchen Instructor, George Mason University (She/They) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Reeve Johnson PhD Student, Case Western Reserve University (he/they) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Theo Johnson-Freyd Assistant Professor (He/Him/His or They/Them/Their) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Oli Jones PhD Student, Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh (They/Them) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Richter Jordaan PhD Student, Georgia Tech (he/him) Thumbs up for contacting
Deepak Kamlesh Postdoc at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn Email
Ray Karpman Assistant Professor, Otterbein University (they/them or she/her) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Brian (BK) Katz Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education, CSU Long Beach (any/no preference) Thumbs up for contacting
Jenny Kaufmann PhD student at Harvard University (She/her) Thumbs up for contacting
Leonie Kayser PhD student, MPI MiS Leipzig, Germany (she) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Liam Keenan Graduate Student (they/them) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Annaliese Keiser Graduate Student Instructor - University of Michigan (she/her/hers) Email
Jan Kelkel Actuary (no pronouns) Email
Mitch Keller Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Morningside College (he/his) Thumbs up for contacting
Tyler Kelly Professor of Pure Mathematics (they/he) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Michael Kelly Associate Professor, Transylvania University (he/him) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Aubrey Kemp Assistant Professor, California State University Bakersfield (She/her/hers) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Isabel Killeen Bisexual woman; master's student at the University of Kent (She/her) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Hannah Kimbrell PhD Student, Syracuse University (She/Her/Hers) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Inbar Klang Assistant Professor, VU Amsterdam (she/her)
Swan Klein PhD Student at George Mason University (she/her) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Hannah Klion Computational Research Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Emma Knobloch M.S. Student at the University of Iowa (she/her) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Thomas Koberda Associate Professor, University of Virginia (he/him) Email Thumbs up for contacting
E Koenig Graduate Student at University of Minnesota - Twin Cities (they/them) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Astra Kolomatskaia PhD student, Stony Brook University (she/her) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Joscelyn Kooistra Post-bacc, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor (she / her / hers) Email
Jay Kropf Accelerated Masters of Statistics student at Cleveland State University (he/him/fae) Thumbs up for contacting
Prabhat Kumar MSc., Teaching Assistant (He/Him) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Andrea Lachmann PhD student at University of Wuppertal (she/her) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Max Lahn PhD Student, University of Michigan (they/them) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Evelyn Lamb freelance writer (she/her) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Chris Lang Professor of Mathematics, Indiana University Southeast (He/him/his) Thumbs up for contacting
Jackie Lang Oxford University (she/her/hers)
MJ Larios Undergrad math major (they/he) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Michael Lavigne Visiting Assistant Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology (he/him) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Davis Lazowski Graduate Student, Columbia University (he/him/his) Thumbs up for contacting
Matthew Lemoine PhD Student at Louisiana State University (he/him/his) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Jacob Lerma PhD Student at University of Chicago (he/Him/His) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Jake Levinson Assistant Professor, Simon Fraser University (he/him) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Paul Levy Reader in Theoretical Computer Science, University of Birmingham (He) Website
Emmy Lewis PhD Candidate, Cornell University (she/her) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Yilin Li PhD student at Durham University, UK (He/him/his) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Tye Lidman North Carolina State University Email
Emma Lien Phd Student ((She/her)) Thumbs up for contacting
Willie Rush Lim PhD Candidate, Stony Brook University (he/him/his) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Douglas Lind Professor, University of Washington (he/him/his) Thumbs up for contacting
Ayodeji Lindblad PhD Student, MIT (He/him) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Marina Logares Visiting Professor at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (She/ her) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Katharine Long Professor of Mathematics, Texas Tech University (She/Her/Hers) Email Website
Bob Lubarsky Senior Instructor, FAU (I, me, mine) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Jonathan Lubin Professor of Mathematics, emeritus, Brown University (he-him) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Jeri Luckenbaugh Math PhD Student @ UC San Diego (she/fae) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Sophie MacDonald PhD student in Mathematics (she/her) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Mark MacLean Professor, Seattle University (he/him, they/them) Thumbs up for contacting
Sarah MacQueen Postdoc, University College Dublin (she/her) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Kyle Maddox Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Arkansas (he/him) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Michael Maltenfort College Adviser & Asst Prof of Instruction, Northwestern University (he/him/his) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Alex Manchester PhD Student (they) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Fedya Manin Associate Professor, University of Toronto (he/him) Website Thumbs up for contacting
Victor Marçon Pirozelli PhD student (Univeristy of Montpellier) (he/they) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Christopher Marcotte Assistant Professor in Computer Science at Durham University (They/them) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Alice Mark Senior Lecturer, Vanderbilt University (she/her) Website Thumbs up for contacting
Ioannis Markakis Research Assistant, University of Cambridge (they/he) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Brittney Marsters PhD Student (she/her/hers) Thumbs up for contacting
Patrick Martin Graduate Student, Johns Hopkins University (He/him) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Kirin Martin Lecturer at Iowa State University (they/them // e/em) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Gage Martin Benjamin Peirce Fellow (Harvard University) (she/her) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Jade Master trans PhD Student/TA, University of California Riverside (She/Her) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Udit Mavinkurve PhD Student (he/him) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Clover May Postdoctoral Fellow, NTNU Email Website
Catrina May Assistant Professor at University of North Georgia ((she/her)) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Ryan Mc Gowan Ph.D. Student at Rutgers, the State University of New Brunswick (He/him) Website Thumbs up for contacting
Taylor McAdam Visiting Assistant Professor at Pomona College (she/her) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Conor McCoid Postdoc at McMaster University (He/Him) Website
Colin McKinney Associate Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, Wabash College (He/his/him; αὐτός -οῦ; ghaH) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Caleb McWhorter Assistant Professor of Mathematics, St. Thomas Aquinas College (He/Him/His) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Harley Meade PhD Student - Colorado State University (she/her) Email
Everett Meike Graduate Student, North Carolina State University (They/Them) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Ehud Meir Senior lecturer, University of Aberdeen Email Thumbs up for contacting
Kate Melhuish Associate Professor, Texas State University (Any) Thumbs up for contacting
Matt Menickelly Computational Mathematician, ANL (They/them/theirs) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Nick Meyer University of Central Missouri (He/him/his) Website Thumbs up for contacting
Annie Meyers Teaching Assistant, AoPS (she/her) Thumbs up for contacting
Marcus Michelen Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago (He/him) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Jacob Migdail Visiting Assistant Professor, Washington & Lee University (He/Him) Thumbs up for contacting
Sam Miller Graduate Student, University of Hawai’i at Mānoa (He/Him) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Mike Miller Eismeier Assistant Professor, University of Vermont (he/him) Thumbs up for contacting
Hector Miller-Bakewell PhD student (they/them or xe/xer) Website Thumbs up for contacting
Myron Minn-Thu-Aye Associate Professor in Residence, University of Connecticut (he/him) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Ian Montague Postdoc at UT Austin (they/them) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Hermie Monterde PhD student (she/her/hers) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Samantha Moore Math Instructor, North Carolina School of Science and Math- Morganton (she/her) Thumbs up for contacting
Carrie Muir Mathematics Professor and Department Chair, Whatcom Community College (she/her or they/them) Email
Terry Mullen Staff Member/Lecturer at the University of Massachusetts Amherst (they/them) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Emmy Murphy Professor (She/her) Thumbs up for contacting
Riley Murray Senior Member of Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories (he/him) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Joseph Nakao Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Swarthmore College (he/him) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Taeuk Nam Graduate Student
Wyn Nelson Graduate Student, North Carolina State University (She/Her) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Alex Newman PhD student at UGA (He/him) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Peh Ng Professor of Mathematics, and Acting Vice-chancellor for Academic Affairs & Dean (She/her/hers) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Margaret Nichols Simons Postdoc, Fields Institute (she/her/hers) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Seppo Niemi-Colvin Graduate Student, Duke University (He/Him or They/Them) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Zoe Nieraeth Postdoc at the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (She/her) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Jonathan Niles-Weed Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Data Science, NYU Website Thumbs up for contacting
Robert Nowak Master's student, University of Oldenburg (He/Him) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Jo O'Harrow PhD Student, UO (they/them) Email Thumbs up for contacting
TC O'Neil Senior Lecturer in Analysis at The Open University (she/they/them) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Peter Oberly PhD Student, Oregon State University (He/him) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Jessie Oehrlein Assistant Professor, Fitchburg State University (she/her) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Marielle Ong Ph.D. student, University of Pennsylvania (They/Them) Website Thumbs up for contacting
Ella Oren-Dahan Graduate Student, Montclair State University (she/her) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Maya Ornstein PhD Student, University of Colorado Boulder (She/They) Email
Omayra Ortega Associate Professor, Assistant Dean of Research & Internships (any pronouns) Thumbs up for contacting
Peter Ott Actuary (He, Him) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Nina Otter Inria Starting Faculty, Inria-Saclay, France (her/they) Website Thumbs up for contacting
James Pagán Undergraduate Student in Mathematics (he/him) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Davide Palitta Assistant Professor, Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna (He/Him) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Rebekah Palmer PhD Student, Temple University (she/they) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Jiayin Pan Assistant Professor, University of California, Santa Cruz (he/they) Email Website
Gil Parnon PhD Student (He/Him/His) Email
Stephan Patterson Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Louisiana State University in Shreveport (he/they) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Micheal Pawliuk Assisstant Professor, Teaching Stream (he/him) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Thomas Peebles Instructor Arizona State University (He/Him/His) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Luke Peilen Ph.D. Student, New York University (they/them) Website Thumbs up for contacting
Maximilien Péroux Postdoc at the University of Pennsylvania (He/Him/His) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Laura Petto Graduate Student, Dartmouth (she/her) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Karaline Petty Graduate Student, University of Arizona ((she/her) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Alexandra Pichette-Emmons PhD Student at University of Kentucky (she/her) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Emma Pickard Graduate Student (she/her) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Evelyn Pidcock PhD Student, UC Davis (she/her) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Marta Pieropan Assistant Professor, Utrecht University Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
David Pike Professor, Memorial University of Newfoundland (he/him/his) Website Thumbs up for contacting
Cecile Piret Associate professor, Michigan Technological University Website Thumbs up for contacting
Maciej Piwowarczyk Graduate Student, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (He/Him) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Ashlen Plasek Masters Student at University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (She/Her) Thumbs up for contacting
Dasha Poliakova Posdoc at SDU QM Email Thumbs up for contacting
Zoe Pope PhD Student; SUNY at Albany (UAlbany) (She/her) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Gabriel Porrata Vallejo Mathematics Instructor, Mission College (He/Him/His) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Morena Porzio Columbia University (they/them) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Andrew Potter Staff Tutor in Mathematics & Statistics, The Open University (he/him/his) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Amy Beth Prager NCWIT, Aspirations Team (she/her/hers) Email
Eddie Price Visiting Assistant Professor at Colorado College (he/they) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Stanley Pritchard Adjunct Instructor, Durham Technical Community College Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
tahda queer Undergraduate at Hunter College, City University of New York (CUNY) (ta or any gender neutral pronouns) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Emily Quesada-Herrera Postdoc at Graz University of Technology (she/her) Email Website
Keaton Quinn Visiting Assistant Professor, Boston College (he/him) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Rebecca R.G. Assistant Professor, George Mason University (she/her/hers) Email Website
Sriram Raghunath PhD student Rutgers University (He/him) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Simone Ramello PhD Student, WWU Münster (he/him) Website Thumbs up for contacting
Tabitha Ramirez Undergraduate student, The City College of New York (She/her) Thumbs up for contacting
Cole Rank Data Scientist at GM (He) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Shane Rankin PhD Student - UC Riverside (He/Him/His) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Nicolas Raymond Professor, Université d'Angers, France (He/him/his) Thumbs up for contacting
Gregorio Raymundo PhD student Email Thumbs up for contacting
Sarah Raynor Professor and Chair, Wake Forest University Department of Mathematics and Statistics (she/her/hers) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Mary Lynn Reed Professor, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Rochester Institute of Technology (she/her/hers) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Karim Rega PhD student at University of Edinburgh (Any) Email Thumbs up for contacting
River Reger Mathematician at Arete (She/her) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Jesse Reid Teacher, middle school math; California (she/they) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Dee Ann Reisinger PhD student, Bryn Mawr College (she/they) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Alex Riasanovsky Data Scientist (she/they)
Thomas Richards PhD Student, University of Warwick (he/they) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Evelyn Richman Assistant Professor, University of Puget Sound (She/Her) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Emily Riehl Professor, Johns Hopkins University (she/her) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Matt Rigby Financial Aid Assistant (He / Him) Thumbs up for contacting
Luciano Rila Senior Teaching Fellow, University College London (He/Him) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Gilbert Rivera PhD Student, Central Michigan University (he/him/his) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Ethan Rivera Undergraduate Student at University of Maryland, College Park (He/They) Thumbs up for contacting
Michael Robert Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech (he/him/his) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Rachel Roca Ph.D. Student at Michigan State University in Computational Math, Science, and Engineering (she/her/hers) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Jamie Rogers PhD Student Liverpool University (He) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Ryan Rogers Lecturer in Mathematics, University of Dayton (he/him/his) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Taylor Rogers Graduate Student (He/They) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Herman Rohrbach PhD student (They/them)
Erika Berenice Roldan Roa Research Group Leader MPI MiS and ScaDS.AI Leipzig University (They/Them or She/Her) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Joseph Romano Professor of Statistics (he/him) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Eric Roon PhD student, Graduate Teaching Assistant at the University of Arizona (He/him)
A. Gwinn Royal Associate Professor of Mathematics, Ivy Tech Community College (they/he/she) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Em Rushworth PhD Student in Statistics (They/them) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Lauren Ruth Assistant Professor, Mercy College (She/her/hers) Thumbs up for contacting
Lucy Rycroft-Smith Academic, Cambridge Mathematics (She/her) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Simon Rydin Myerson WZL assistant professor, University of Warwick (he/they) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Ryker Ryker Adjunct Math Faculty, Foothill College (They/Them) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Nikhil Sahoo PhD Candidate (they/them) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
David Saintillan Professor, University of California San Diego (he/him/his) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Dalton Sakthivadivel Postdoc, CUNY GC (he/they) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Kyle Salois PhD Student, Colorado State University (he/him) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Karuna Sangam PhD student, Rutgers University - New Brunswick (they/them) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Sean Santos Earth Scientist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (They/he) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Shinx Shfinx Sarah Student (Cat/she)
Keri Sather-Wagstaff Professor, Clemson University (She/her) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Riuji Sato PhD student at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (He/him/his) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Mariya Savinov PhD Student (they/them) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Jordan Sawdy PhD Student at the University of Kentucky (He/They) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Colton Sawyer Associate Professor of Mathematics at Regis University (He/him/his) Email Website
Ed Schaefer Professor at Santa Clara University (he/him/his) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Kylan Schatz Mathematics PhD Candidate at NC State University (they/them) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Todd Schmid Assistant Professor, St Mary's College of California (he/they) Website Thumbs up for contacting
Rick Schnackenberg Assistant Professor, Florida Gulf Coast University Email Thumbs up for contacting
Ryan Schroeder PhD Student (he/him) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Adam Schultze Assistant Professor, Lewis University (he/him/his) Email Thumbs up for contacting
David Schwein Postdoc at University of Bonn (he/him/his) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Mitchell Scott PhD Student, Emory University (he/they) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Dev Seacrest Professor of Mathematics at University of Montana Western, Director of the Center for Experiential Education (he/him) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Alex Dalist Howl Sennewald Graduate Student and Student Assistant (they/them) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Min Seo Statistics/Teaching, Joint PMATH, Psychology undergrad student at University of Waterloo (they/them) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Alan Sergeev PhD Student (he/him) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Yi Shan PhD student, Ecole Normale Supérieure (she/her/hers) Email Website
Isabelle Shankar Assistant Professor, Portland State University (She/her) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Eve Shaw PhD candidate, UTK (she/her) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Kris Shaw Associate Professor (they/them) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Alec Shute Research fellow, University of Bristol (he/him) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Sue Sierra Reader, School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh (she/her) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Anny Beatriz Silva de Azevedo Master’s student, University of São Paulo (she/her) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Lily Silverstein Assistant Professor, Mathematics and Statistics, Cal Poly Pomona (she/her or they/them) Email Thumbs up for contacting
José Simental Rodríguez Investigador Asociado C, Instituto de Matemáticas UNAM (He/Him/His) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Theresa Simon Junior Professor, WWU Münster, Germany (she/her) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Andrew Skelton Associate Professor, York University (he/him) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Joseph Skelton RTG Postdoc at Clemson University (He/Him) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Calvin Smith Associate Professor, University of Reading (He/him) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Mia Smith Graduate student, University of Michigan (she/her) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Tyler Smith Graduate student, University of Florida (He/him) Thumbs up for contacting
Stacey Smith? Full professor, the University of Ottawa (She/her) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Maria Soria-Carro Graduate Student, The University of Texas at Austin (she/her/hers) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Christina Sormani Full Professor, Lehman College and CUNYGC (any pronouns) Website Thumbs up for contacting
Gabriel Sosa Castillo Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Colgate University (He/Him/His) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Pim Spelier PhD student, Leiden University Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
S. C. Steenkamp PhD Student, University of Cambridge (they/them) Website
Ada Stelzer Graduate Student, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (she/her/hers) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Natalie Stewart PhD Student Email Website
Jeremy Stratton-Smith Lead Developer, Wolfram|Alpha Math Content at Wolfram Research (they/them or he/him) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Emerson Studt PhD student, UC Davis (he/him/his or they/them/their) Email
Leah Sturman PhD student Oregon State University (she/her) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Seth Sullivant Distinguished Professor, North Carolina State University (he/him) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Vanessa Sun PhD Student, University of Utah (she/her) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Isaac Sundberg Postdoctoral fellow, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics (they/them) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Manil Suri Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Maryland Baltimore County (He/him/his) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Robert Suzzi Valli Associate Professor of Mathematics, Manhattan College (he/him/his) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Shel Swenson Lecturer, University of Tennessee Knoxville (she/her/hers) Email Thumbs up for contacting
David Swinarski Associate Professor, Fordham University (he/him/his) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Holden Swindell Undergraduate, University of Wisconsin-Madison (any pronouns) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Holly Swisher Professor, Oregon State University (she/they) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Ea E T PhD student at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (Any gender neutral pronouns) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Luc Ta Undergraduate Learning Assistant (he/him) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Peyam Tabrizian Lecturer, Brown University (he/him/his) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Kaitlin Tademy PhD student (she/her) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Niall Taggart Postdoc, Utrecht University Thumbs up for contacting
David Taylor Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and General Education; Professor of Mathematics @ Roanoke College (he/him/his) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Daniel Tedeschi PhD student at Colorado State University (he/they) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Jacob Terkel Undergraduate Student at Gettysburg College (he/she) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Vivek Tewary Assistant Professor, SIAS, Krea University, India (he/him/they/them) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Ritheesh Thiruppathi M.Sc Student, Universität Regensburg, Germany (he/him) Thumbs up for contacting
Anthony Thomas Assistant Teaching Professor Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Becca Thomases Associate Professor, UC Davis, Mathematics (She/her/hers) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Bianca Thompson Assistant professor at Westminster College (she/her/hers) Email Website
Benjamin Thompson PhD Student, Cornell University (he/him) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Dylan Thurston Professor, Indiana University (He/him) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Maggy Tomova Associate Dean and Professor, The University of Iowa (she/they) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Chad Topaz Professor of Mathematics, Williams College (He/Him/His) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Henry Towsner Associate Professor, University of Pennsylvania (he/him) Website Thumbs up for contacting
Will Tran Graduate Student, Tulane University (he/him) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Lee Trent PhD Student at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (she/he) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Robin Truax Student at Stanford University (he/him) Email Website
Matt Turner PhD Student, University of Bath (He/Him) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Kathryn Van Etten PhD student, University of Nebraska - Lincoln (she/they) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Karoline van Gemst PhD student at University of Sheffield (She/her) Email
Danika Van Niel Postdoc at Binghamton University (she/her) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Laura van Schijndel PhD student in mathematical biology at Wageningen University and Research (WUR) (they/them) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Sam Vance Graduate Student of Mathematics, University of Minnesota ((he/him)) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Sue VanHattum Math Professor, Contra Costa College (she) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
ila Varma Assistant Professor at University of Toronto (she/they) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Deepanshu Vasal Research Scientist, Northwestern University (He/him/his) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Roman Vasquez Graduate Student at Auburn University (He/They) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Mikael Vejdemo-Johansson Assistant Professor, CUNY College of Staten Island / CUNY Graduate Center (he/him) Website
Lara Vicino PhD Student, Technical University of Denmark (DTU) (she/her) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Sarthak Vijay MSc student at IITGN (he/him) Email
Andrés Vindas Meléndez NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellow, UC Berkeley (he/they) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Pankaj Vishe Professor, Durham University (he/him) Thumbs up for contacting
Marie Vitulli Professor Emerita of Mathematics, University of Oregon (She/her) Email Thumbs up for contacting
John Voight Professor at Dartmouth College Website Thumbs up for contacting
Matthew Voigt Assistant Professor, Clemson University (He, Him, His) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Eleanor Waiss Student, Butler University (she/her) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Daniel Wallick PhD student at the Ohio State University (he/him) Email Website
Brian Walter Professor, The Evergreen State College (he/him) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Amy Wang PhD student at Yale University (She/her) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Michole Washington, Ph.D. CEO/Founder of STEMulation (She/They) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Abigail Watkins PhD student, Indiana University (she/her) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Alison Watson Student (undergraduate) at Cal Poly SLO (She/her) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Jordan Watts Associate Professor (He/Him/His) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Matthew Weaver PhD Candidate, Princeton University (he/him/his) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Lilly Webster Quantitative Reasoning Center Director, Earlham College (they/them) Thumbs up for contacting
Katrin Wehrheim associate professor, UC Berkeley (they/them ... not a preference, just my pronouns ;-)) Website Thumbs up for contacting
Tait Weicht Teaching Assistant, University of California, Davis Thumbs up for contacting
Alexandra Weiner Instructor, University of Pittsburgh (she/her) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Jared Weinstein Associate Professor, Boston University (He/Him) Thumbs up for contacting
Rachel Weir Professor of Mathematics, Allegheny College (She, her, hers) Email
Andrea Welsh Visiting Associate Professor, Texas A&M University (She/they) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Noelle West Graduate Student (She/Her) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Ursula Whitcher Associate Editor, Mathematical Reviews (AMS) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Lauren White Graduate Teaching Assistant Kansas State University (she/her) Thumbs up for contacting
Andre Wibisono Assistant Professor, Yale University (He/him) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Alex Wiedemann Visiting Assistant Professor, Davidson College (He/him/his) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Emil Wiedemann Professor, University of Erlangen, Germany (he/him) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Sophia Wiedmann Graduate Student at the University of Wisconsin Madison (she/hers) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Chad Wiley Associate Professor of Mathematics, Emporia State University (He/Him) Thumbs up for contacting
Amanda Wilkens Postdoc, University of Texas at Austin (She/her and they/them) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Erin Williams Graduate Teaching Assistant, Portland State University (she/her) Thumbs up for contacting
Kameryn Williams Assistant professor in mathematics, Bard College at Simon's Rock (they/them) Website Thumbs up for contacting
Savannah Williams PhD student, Bryn Mawr College (she/they) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Alex Wilson Graduate Student, Dartmouth (he/him/his) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Emily Windes PhD Student (She/her/they/them) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Karl Winsor Graduate Student, Harvard (he/him/his) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Tian An Wong Assistant Professor, University of Michigan-Dearborn (they/them) Thumbs up for contacting
Luciena Xiao postdoctoral researcher, University of Helsinki (They/them/theirs) Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Dean Young Master's student at NYU Courant (He/Him/His) Email Website
TJ Yusun Assistant Professor Teaching Stream (he/him) Email Thumbs up for contacting
Mike Zabrocki Professor, York University Email Website Thumbs up for contacting
Haowen Zhang PhD student, Sorbonne Université & Ecole Polytechnique Email Website Thumbs up for contacting