Black Lives Matter

Spectra stands in solidarity with so many Americans who are raising their voices to protest. We recognize the ongoing, systemic oppression of Black Americans extends beyond the recent deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor. The queer community has suffered and continues to suffer from police harassment. Pride, our biggest celebration as a community, commemorates the Stonewall Riots—with trans women of color on the front lines—and the various direct confrontations between the LGBTQ+ community and the police for decades. We stand together against police violence.

As Spectra we stand in solidarity with our mathematical colleagues, first and foremost the National Association of Mathematics (NAM), but also AWM, AMS, SIAM, and the MAA who have also recently affirmed their commitment to anti-racism, equity and inclusion in mathematics. We must demand more of ourselves and our organizations so that our actions and not just our words live up to the ideals expressed by these statements.

We stand with Black people, within our community and without, in protest and support.

Spectra: the Association for LGBT Mathematicians!

Welcome to the website for LGBTQ+ mathematicians and their allies. This arose from a need for recognition and community for Gender and Sexual Minority mathematicians, and we hope that this will be a resource for our community. Check back as our organization grows and evolves!

Mailing List

Spectra Google Group

Join the Spectra Google Group to hear about upcoming events (if you aren't signed in to a Google account, then you will get an error message about not being able to access this. Just sign in to fix this)


Donate to Spectra!

You can make tax-deductible donations to support Spectra activities (like the receptions at the JMM). Out to Innovate handles processing of donations for us; go to Make a Donation to find the various ways you can donate. Be sure to designate your donation as supporting Spectra.